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DigiView Plug-in Guide

Navigation: Plug-in Framework

Configuration Editors

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When the user creates a signal or clicks on the signal name, a signal editor opens.  This editor contains a number of configuration editors, allowing the user to configure the signal parser.  These editors allow the user to specify which channels are used and for what purpose.  They also allow setting things like baud rates, clock edges, field sizes; whatever you want the user to be able to configure.


When a plug-in is loaded, the application will generate a number of GetStrList() calls to the plug-in to retrieve information about which editors the plug-in wants to display and their parameters.


Each time the application wishes to refresh the data interpretation, it makes a number of SetCfgItem() calls to the plug-in to inform it about the user's configuration choices.


The following sections document the available configuration editors, their syntax and return values.