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DigiView Plug-in Guide

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Plug-in Framework

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We provide a template that handles the communications protocol, provides access routines and stubs out routines for your code.  The framework invokes several calls in your code to status and configure the plug-in and to parse the captured data into protocol frames and fields.  Your code then uses access routines in the framework to send back control and data field descriptions.
A plug-in is written as a console mode program.  This makes it very language independent, lightweight on resources and easy to write.  There are no DLLs, sockets, pipe handles, byte orders, Windows APIs, etc to deal with and every language supports console I/O.  It can be a compiled executable or a script.  
We provide a module (CmdParser.cpp) to handle the I/O itself and to handle our communications protocol.  Your plug-in code focuses on interpreting the data and generating formatting instructions.
CmdParser.cpp provides main() and takes control when the plug-in is loaded.  It interacts with the DigiView application, interprets its commands and forwards specific commands and data to routines in your plug-in code.  Your  plug-in then uses CmdParser.cpp supplied access routines to return field information to the DigiView application.  The section Getting Started  above discussed the provided example files, project layout and instruction on how to build the plug-ins.



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