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DigiView Plug-in Guide

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PDK Directory Layout

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If you accepted the default install path during installation, the PDK was installed under your <Documents> directory.  The <Documents> folder name and location varies between Windows versions.

See Finding your Documents Folder for help finding <Documents>.



Each example project and its source is placed in its own sub directory under the PDK root.

We created a 'solution' (CPPExamples.sln) containing all of the example projects. It is located in the PDK root directory.  The examples all use the same CmdParser.cpp and plug-in.h files. These are also placed in the PDK root directory.

Each plug-in project includes the ../cmdparser.cpp and ../plug-in.h files as well as the example specific source file. NOTE: the CmdParser.cpp file handles all of the interaction with the main application. We included its source as a reference for porting to a different language.  There is no need for you to modify it.  All of your code goes in the project specific file.